Sunday, September 11, 2011

Every Vote Does Count

The headline that caught my eye while on CNN’s website was titled, “Angry Electorate Helps Sustain Tea Party.” The article opens with a description of tea party citizens that are “frustrated” and worked up about the political system in 2009, as well as the federal government and the current debt.
Within two years after the initial description of how the tea partiers were looked at, much has changed in today’s politics. The campaign trail is filled with supporters of the tea party and of the recognition of their powerful voice in “launching campaigns” and are not to be ignored.
This article caught my interest because I am not too knowledgeable on what the tea party stands for. I believe this article is worth reading to show just how important every vote really is. It makes the point that one should never count the smaller guy out. It also highlights how the tea party has moved from being an “outsider” looking in, into a force not to be ignored. Another reason one should read this, is demonstrated by how a Republican may not win without the support of the tea party.  How interesting it is for a group to grow from just a rally into an organization that can make a difference in a Republican nomination.

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